I'm creating mvc portlet to collect some data and have some trouble with implementing dynamic checkboxlist. Is there any standard control for liferay or example how to implement such a feature?
Ideally if the control would allow hierarchical data (treeview) and possibly dynamic loading of sub-trees...
Thanks for help,
If i get you correctly Robert, You want to get dynamically get your checkboxlist data right?
There are no specific controls ( at least none that i know of) in Liferay for this. However, since it is an MVC portlet, it basically behaves like your traditional/conventional JSP(all permissible verisons) and as such your can design your protlet like you would any other JSP based application.
So typically if you have a check box list you would use the <portlet:namespace/>
tag to name the checkbox element and also define an actionURL for the form data.
In the defined action use ParamUtil.getParameterValues(actionRequest,elementName,null)
to retrieve an array of all checkbox list values.
*Note: Use as is appropriate for Single or Multi-Select checkboxes
For more information on how to handle form data in Liferay MVC portlet check out this url http://www.liferaysavvy.com/2014/05/liferay-mvc-portlet-form-submission.html
Hope this helps!