old version have method showInfoBubble() but deprecated in sdk 3.6 of here map, now how to show info on marker.
Here are the code.
MapMarker marker = new MapMarker();
GeoCoordinate geoCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(c.getLat(), c.getLng());
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.append("Name : " + (TextUtils.isEmpty(c.getName()) ? "N/A" : c.getName().trim()) + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("Address : " + (TextUtils.isEmpty(c.getStreetAddress()) ? "N/A" : c.getStreetAddress().trim()) + "\n");
stringBuilder.append("Telephone : " + (TextUtils.isEmpty(c.getTelephone()) ? "N/A" : c.getTelephone().trim()));
MapOverlay mapOverlay = new MapOverlay(view, marker.getCoordinate());
mMapOverlay.put(c.getId(), mapOverlay);
The infoBubble in the HEREMobileSDK was deprecated for quite a long time already. In the deprecation message it was suggested to switch over to MapOverlay: https://developer.here.com/documentation/android-premium/api_reference_java/com/here/android/mpa/mapping/MapOverlay.html
So, what does this mean: Instead of showing a quite static/predefined infobubble from the HERE mSDK, you should use MapOverlay, that let you add complete View objects (Android Views) as an overlay to a pinned position on the map.
In your case, you might want to listen for the marker click event, and if this happens, then you add a Android View that looks how you want it as a MapOverlay to the map. The Map overlay is constructed like this: MapOverlay (View view, GeoCoordinate coordinate) and will be pinned to that given position.
Keep a reference to the MapOverlay, since you need to handle on your own when it should appear and disappear.