A project I'm working in has an indentation standard as follows:
- A single tab-width is 4 space characters.
- A double tab-width is a tab character displayed at 8 spaces wide.
- A singly-indented line begins with four spaces
- A doubly-indented line begins with a tab character
- A triply-indented line begins with a tab character followed by four spaces
- A 4x indented line begins with two tab characters
- ...and so on
In Vim, the necessary configuration is achieved with:
:set tabstop=8 softtabstop=4 noexpandtab
How can I configure Eclipse to automatically enforce this indentation standard?
Eclipse does support this natively.
My eclipse version:

The result (see in-image comments):

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4 (the most important step):