I have an Actor instance as defined like this:
class KafkaPublisher[T <: KafkaMessage] extends Actor {
override final def receive = {
case ProducerStreamActivated(_, stream: SourceQueueWithComplete[T]) =>
case other => println("KafkaPublisher got some unknown message while producing: " + other)
def active(stream: SourceQueueWithComplete[T]): Receive = super.receive orElse {
case msg: T =>
case other => println("KafkaPublisher got the unknown message while producing: " + other)
object KafkaPublisher {
def props[T <: KafkaMessage](implicit tag: ClassTag[T]) = Props(new KafkaPublisher[T])
Where the KafkaMessage is a marker trait and every message that I want to publish to Kafka will extend this marker trait. I have a supervisor Actor that actually will create instances of this KafkaPublisher Actor depending on the type of Kafka message. For example.,
case class MeterData(id: String, meterReadings: Map[DateTime, String]) extends KafkaMessage
So in my SupervisorActor, I create an instance of my PublisherActor like this:
def actorFor(props: Props, actorName: String) = context.actorOf(props, actorName)
val actorRef = actorFor(KafkaPublisher.props[MeterData], "meter-data-actor")
Similarly, I create the corresponding Akka stream flow for the given KafkaMessage type.
So my question is, would this KafkaPublisher actor pattern match on the MeterData, given that I have a generic pattern matching defined. Is the ClassTag in my props method just enough so that I can get past the type erasure? Suggestions?
Pattern matching on a generic type T
should work, when there an implicit ClassTag[T]
in scope. So it should be enough to provide and store a ClassTag
in your KafkaPublisher
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
class KafkaPublisher[T <: KafkaMessage : ClassTag] {
/* ... */
object KafkaPublisher {
def props[T <: KafkaMessage : ClassTag] = Props(new KafkaPublisher[T])
If the type T
is concrete at the props
call site, or it's generic but there is an implicit ClassTag[T]
there, then you can just call props
as usual: actorFor(KafkaPublisher.props[MeterData], "meter-data-actor")