Is there an elegant way to swap items from one array to another using vanilla JS?
This functionality would work if you're building a simple app for sports teams. On a given team, when you swap a player out from the starting lineup (array1), you replace them with a player from the substitute lineup (array2).
Once the selections are made, the arrays are updated, with the selected array item from array 2 now appearing in array 1, and vice-versa.
Pseudocode Example:
Starting Lineup = Bob, Susan, Kevin, Jack, Tim
Substitude Lineup = George, Steve, Martha
Player to sub out: Jack
Player to sub in: Martha
// JS Magic Activates! (Insert your ingenious code here.)
Starting Lineup: Bob, Susan, Kevin, Martha, Tim
Substitute Lineup: George, Steve, Jack
I found an elegant solution to swap the order of two items in a single array, using a prototype method. However, this won't work if you're dealing with two items in two different arrays.
My question is less about whether a solution is possible (which of course it is), but what the best way to do this is, using clean, precise, and elegant code, without the need for a bunch of for-loop spaghetti.
Not glamourous, and maybe missing your sentiment - but in two lines you can do it
var Starting_Lineup = ["Bob", "Susan", "Kevin", "Jack", "Tim"];
var Substitute_Lineup = ["George", "Steve", "Martha"];
Player to sub out: Jack
Player to sub in: Martha
// JS Magic Activates! (Insert your ingenious code here.)
Starting Lineup: Bob, Susan, Kevin, Martha, Tim
Substitute Lineup: George, Steve, Jack
If you want a function:
var Starting_Lineup = ["Bob", "Susan", "Kevin", "Jack", "Tim"];
var Substitute_Lineup = ["George", "Steve", "Martha"];
Player to sub out: Jack
Player to sub in: Martha
function swap_player(team_1,team_2,player_1,player_2){
return [team_1,team_2];