I have the following query which I am trying to implement in Java (I am using 3.4.2 mongo-java driver) :
"_id" : "Team:2334918",
"fieldName" : [
"isDeleted" : false
Here the query:
db.myCollection.find({$nor: [{“fieldName”: {$exists: false}},{“fieldName”:{$size:0}}]})
I have written the following code to implement the above query:
MongoClient mc = ctm.getMongoConn();
db = ctm.getDatabase(mc);
col = db.getCollection(collectionName);
BasicDBObject searchObject = new BasicDBObject();
List<BasicDBObject> searchArguments = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>();
searchArguments.add(new BasicDBObject("fieldName",new BasicDBObject("$exists",false)));
searchArguments.add(new BasicDBObject("fieldName",new BasicDBObject("$size",0)));
searchObject.put("$nor", searchArguments);
MongoCursor<Document> curs = (MongoCursor<Document>) col.find(searchObject);
while (curs.hasNext()){
Document doc = curs.next();
Object name1 = doc.get("fieldName");
I am getting the following error while running:
java.lang.ClassCastException: com.mongodb.FindIterableImpl cannot be cast to com.mongodb.client.MongoCursor
Replace this:
MongoCursor<Document> curs = (MongoCursor<Document>) col.find(searchObject);
while (curs.hasNext()) {
With this:
FindIterable<Document> docs = col.find(searchObject);
for (Document d : docs) {
The suggestion from @Veeram (in the comments above) is correct too.