Using curb to communicate with some HTTP server and looks like that HTTP server does not implements Keep-Alive properly.
This is why I'm searching way to force curb not use this feature.
Sure, I can sleep minute or so before making next request, but I'd like to do this in other way.
By default, curb uses HTTP 1.1, which gives you keep-alive:
?> easy = Curl::Easy.http_get('')
=> #<Curl::Easy [...]>
?> easy.header_str.grep(/keep-alive/)
=> ["Connection: keep-alive\r\n"]
To prevent keep-alive, force curb to use HTTP 1.0:
?> easy = Curl::Easy.http_get('') { |x| x.version = Curl::HTTP_1_0 }
=> #<Curl::Easy [...]>
?> easy.header_str.grep(/keep-alive/)
=> []