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Why do i get double info string only when i use pretrained slim model?

I start training a faster_rcnn_inception_v2 with inception_v2_imagenet_2016_08_28 pretrained model from slim.

  fine_tune_checkpoint: "./pretrained_models/inception_v2_imagenet_2016_08_28/inception_v2.ckpt"
  from_detection_checkpoint: false

I get a warning about missing parameter (gamma). Than I get all the info doubled.

INFO:tensorflow:global step 435766: loss = 0.7736 (0.27 sec/step)  
INFO:tensorflow:global step 435766: loss = 0.7736 (0.27 sec/step)

Why? Is there a solution? Thanks.


  • I found the solution to this problem!

    The bug is in the function get_variables_available_in_checkpoint in

    def get_variables_available_in_checkpoint(variables, checkpoint_path):
        """Returns the subset of variables available in the checkpoint.
        Inspects given checkpoint and returns the subset of variables that are
        available in it.
        TODO: force input and output to be a dictionary.
          variables: a list or dictionary of variables to find in checkpoint.
          checkpoint_path: path to the checkpoint to restore variables from.
          A list or dictionary of variables.
          ValueError: if `variables` is not a list or dict.
        if isinstance(variables, list):
            variable_names_map = { variable for variable in variables}
        elif isinstance(variables, dict):
            variable_names_map = variables
            raise ValueError('`variables` is expected to be a list or dict.')
        ckpt_reader = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(checkpoint_path)
        ckpt_vars = ckpt_reader.get_variable_to_shape_map().keys()
        vars_in_ckpt = {}
        for variable_name, variable in sorted(variable_names_map.items()):
            if variable_name in ckpt_vars:
                vars_in_ckpt[variable_name] = variable
                logging.warning('Variable [%s] not available in checkpoint',
        if isinstance(variables, list):
            return vars_in_ckpt.values()
        return vars_in_ckpt

    I commented this part and the info during training are displayed only once.

        # else:
        #     logging.warning('Variable [%s] not available in checkpoint',
        #                     variable_name)