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jointJS/Rappid - False displaying of source and targer arrowheads when the manhattan router used

I want to have a specific cell always toBack, in order to be able to put a whole graph over it, as in the picture(here this cell has a light blue background color), but my source and target arrowheads are not displayed accordingly when the link uses the Manhattan router.

enter image description here

The code I wrote to set this cell toBack is:


This means that this cell will always be at the lowest level of graph.

What should I do in order all transitions which are over this cell to be displayed as being just in the paper,I mean as in the following picture?

enter image description here


  • Problem

    The Manhattan router used in the example is not able to find the route due to a large obstacle (light blue rectangle) covering both source and target element.

    Solution 1

    1. Make sure the container element has a unique type.

      var Container = joint.dia.Element.define('ns.Container', {
        attrs: {
          rect: {
            refWidth: '100%',
            refHeight: '100%',
            stroke: 'black',
            fill: 'lightblue'
      }, {
        markup: 'rect'
      var container = new Container;
      container.position(100, 100);

      For older versions of JointJS/Rappid

      var Container = joint.dia.Element.extend({
        markup: 'rect',
        defaults: joint.util.deepSupplement({
          type: 'ns.Container',
          attrs: {
            rect: {
              'ref-width': '100%',
              'ref-height': '100%',
              'stroke': 'black',
              'fill': 'lightblue'
        }, joint.dia.Element.prototype.defaults)
    2. Instruct the Manhattan router not to consider the container element for the obstacle.

      new joint.dia.Paper({
        defaulRouter: {
          name: 'manhattan',
          args: { excludeTypes: 'ns.Container' }

    Solution 2

    Embedding the elements into the container element cause the Manhattan router to ignore the container automatically.
