I am using createjs as my framework. I've placed a Bitmap on the canvas and I created a function to try and remove it but I keep getting an error message in the console that image is not defined. This is what my code looks like:
// onload=init() called in html doc
function init(){
var canvas = new createjs.Stage("canvas");
// Add image to canvas
image = new createjs.Bitmap("image.png");
image.x = 200;
image.y = 180;
image.scaleX = 0.35;
image.scaleY = 0.35;
image.addEventListener('click', pop);
//remove image from canvas
function pop() {
When I click on it, I get the console message "pop" followed by the error I mentioned above. I've tried moving the function inside init but I appear to get the same problem.
Make image as global variable, so that it can be accessed by all the functions in your case function pop
var image;// defining 'image' variable as global
function init(){
var canvas = new createjs.Stage("canvas");
// Add image to canvas
image = new createjs.Bitmap("image.png");
image.x = 200;
image.y = 180;
image.scaleX = 0.35;
image.scaleY = 0.35;
image.addEventListener('click', pop);
//remove image from canvas
function pop() {