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CakePHP 3 CounterCache - don't start counting with 0

I'm trying to migrate a IP-based voting system to logged-in-user-based voting system and would like to keep the old votes/likes. So i copied the old systems like_count into a column in my quotes table.

quotes table

enter image description here

votes table


I implemented countercache behaviour for like_count in quotes table based on the votes in votes table. But if for example I'd vote the quote with id 145 up now the like_count would jump to 1 instead of 3616, because there's only 1 vote for quote id 145 in votes table.

So is there a way for the CounterCache behaviour to take into account the like_count column and start from there instead from 0?


  • You have to account for that on your own, there's no out of the box functionality for such a case.

    I'd suggest to store the old votes in a separate column, say legacy_like_count, and then either calculate the sum of the old and new votes/likes when you read the data, being it manually, or for example using a virtual property, like:

    protected $_virtual = ['total_like_count'];
    public function _getTotalLikeCount() {
        return $this->_properties['like_count'] + $this->_properties['legacy_like_count'];

    or if you want the total count stored in the database, use the callback functionality supported by the counter cache behavior, where you can build a custom query that counts the new votes, and add the old number of likes, for example:

        'Quotes' => [
            'like_count' => function (
                \Cake\Event\Event $event,
                \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity,
                \Cake\ORM\Table $table
            ) {
                // $event = Model.afterSave or Model.afterDelete (VotesTable)
                // $entity = Vote 
                // $table = VotesTable
                $votes = $table
                        'Votes.quote_id' => $entity->get('quote_id')
                $quote = $table->Quotes->get($entity->get('quote_id'));
                return $votes + $quote->get('legacy_like_count');

    You could probably also do the calculation on SQL level, something along the lines of this:

    $query = $table->Quotes->find();
    return $query
            'totalVotes' => $query
                ->setConjunction('+') // use tieWith() in CakePHP < 3.4
            '' => $entity->get('quote_id')

    which would produce SQL similar to the following, which would (when returned as in the example) then be used as a subquery in the updating process of the like_count column:

        (Quotes.legacy_like_count + COUNT( AS totalVotes
        quotes Quotes
        votes Votes ON = Votes.quote_id
    WHERE = :c0

    Please note that this is all untested example code!

    See also