I'm using cheerio to scrape the next html.
<div class="google-map-wrap " style="padding-bottom:50px;">
<div class="google-map"></div><style>.google-map{width: 100%; height: 420px;}
.google-map img {max-width:none !important;}</style><script>jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(".google-map").gmap3({marker:{address: "Periferico Sur 2020"},map:{options:{zoom: 14,}}});});
I tried the following options and they haven't worked.
Expected = "Periferico Sur 2020"
$('div.google-map-wrap div.google-map').text()
$('div.google-map-wrap div.google-map').html()
$('div.google-map-wrap div.google-map').css()
But not working the result should be the address.
As commented before, cheerio won't be able to do it. But request already has the html so we can use it to find the string with indexOf(). Example:
<div class="google-map-wrap " style="padding-bottom:50px;">
<div class="google-map"></div><style>.google-map{width: 100%; height: 420px;}
.google-map img {max-width:none !important;}</style>
<script>jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(".google-map").gmap3({marker:{address: "Periferico Sur 2020"},map:{options:{zoom: 14,}}});});
var readAddress = function(html){
var idx1 = html.indexOf('{marker:{address: "');
var idx2 = idx1 + '{marker:{address: "'.length;
var idx3 = html.indexOf('"', idx2);
address = html.substring(idx2, idx3);
request(url, (err, res, data) => {