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Registering Custom Intent for SiriKit in my ios app

According to the Apple online documentation, SiriKit supports only specific domains for now.
Our app is a gift based app that you can send different kind of gifts like birthday gift, mother day gift etc. We want to make a custom Siri domain (like gift domain) which recognizes a voice command like
"Hey Siri send a gift to Jack with 'my AppName'"
and then it calls a web service with a specific encoded key and starts sending gift operations without my app openning.

Is it possible?

I also wonder that for Payment domain you need to say "Hey Siri send money ...." for Siri to recognizes the payment command. Do you know which voice commands needed for Siri to recognize the domain type? Is there a Siri voice command list in the Apple online documentation?


  • You need to extend your app with Siri kit. And need to register intents for your app in info.plist,as shown in image below.

    enter image description here

    You can find more details on below links:

    1) How To Extend Your iOS App With SiriKit

    2) Apple's Document