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Camera landscape preview in portrait mode

I have a dialog design where camera preview should be landscape in portrait mode (see pics). I choose preview size correctly through getOptimalPreviewSize() and when I don't use setDisplayOrientation(90) I get this:

enter image description here

When I use setDisplayOrientation(90) I get this:

enter image description here

Does anybody have any ideas how to fix it? Can android do that kind of thing?

Answer (thanks to Eddy Talvala):
Due to you can't process the whole cam picture in portrait when your cam view in xml is horizontal, you should crop. I decided to fit horizontally and crop all that in the bottom:

|           |
| _________ |   _____
||         ||  |     |
||         ||  | ^-^ |
||  ______ ||  | \_/ |
|| | ^-^  |||  |  |  |    
|| |_\_/_ |||  |__|__|
||   image ||   sensor
||         ||
||         ||
||  < O [] ||

You should use TextureView to specify matrix for fit and cropping. Something like that (kotlin):

fun camInit() {
    val camParam = camera.parameters
    val optimalSize = getOptimalPortraitPreviewSize(camParam.supportedPreviewSizes, width, height)

    camParam.setPreviewSize(optimalSize.width, optimalSize.height)
    camera.parameters = camParam


    val scaleDelta = optimalSize.height - preview.width // for portrait
    val scaleY: Float = (optimalSize.width.toFloat() - scaleDelta) / preview.height // for portrait

    val matrix = Matrix()
    matrix.setScale(1f, scaleY)    // 1f cause we fit horizontally



Notice that for portrait mode you should use specific getOptimalProtraitPreviewSize(), cause standard func that everybody uses to get camera preview optimal size (with ASPECT_TOLERANCE and other things) can return you a size with a small resolution. Try something like this:

fun getOptimalPortraitPreviewSize(sizes: List<Camera.Size>, previewWidth: Int) {

    var selectedSize: Camera.Size = sizes[0]

    for (size in sizes) {
        // use size's height cause of portrait
        val currentSizeWidthDelta = abs(size.height - previewWidth)
        val selectedSizeWidthDelta = abs(selectedSize.height - previewWidth)
        if (currentSizeWidthDelta < selectedSizeWidthDelta) selectedSize = size

    return selectedSize


  • The long edge of the image sensor lines up with the long edge of the device.

    (bad ascii art):
    |           |
    | _________ |   _____
    ||         ||  |     |
    ||         ||  |     |
    ||         ||  |     |
    ||         ||  |     |
    ||         ||  |_____|
    ||         ||   sensor
    ||         ||   physical 
    ||         ||   orientation
    ||  < O [] ||

    Given that, there's no way you can draw the image like this:

    |           |
    | _________ |   _____
    ||         ||  |     |
    ||         ||  |     |
    ||  ______ ||  |     |
    || |      |||  |     |
    || |______|||  |_____|
    ||   image ||   sensor
    ||         ||
    ||         ||
    ||  < O [] ||

    unless you either rotate the image (in which case up isn't up):

    |           |
    | _________ |   _____
    ||         ||  |     |
    ||         ||  | ^-^ |
    ||  ______ ||  | \_/ |
    || | <-\__|||  |  |  |    
    || |_<-/__|||  |__|__|
    ||   image ||   sensor
    ||         ||
    ||         ||
    ||  < O [] ||

    or you stretch the image horizontally, which looks pretty bad:

    |           |
    | _________ |   _____
    ||         ||  |     |
    ||         ||  | ^-^ |
    ||  ______ ||  | \_/ |
    || | ^___^|||  |  |  |    
    || |___|__|||  |__|__|
    ||   image ||   sensor
    ||         ||
    ||         ||
    ||  < O [] ||

    or you crop a slice of the image, which reduces the FOV a lot:

    |           |
    | _________ |   _____
    ||         ||  |     |
    ||         ||  | ^-^ |
    ||  ______ ||  | \_/ |
    || | ^-^  |||  |  |  |    
    || |_\_/__|||  |__|__|
    ||   image ||   sensor
    ||         ||
    ||         ||
    ||  < O [] ||

    Because the image sensor is landscape when the phone is landscape, there's no way to place a landscape preview in a portrait UI without one of those three things happening. You either need a portrait preview in a portrait UI, or you need to crop the image down. That's not a limitation of Android, it's just a limitation of geometry.

    If you want to crop, you'll probably want to send the camera data to a SurfaceTexture, and crop in OpenGL, if you want a live preview.