I want to add my image to a canvas, and position and scale it. I know how to position it, but every time I scale it, it disappears from my canvas.
My current code looks similar to this:
function init() {
var canvas = new createjs.Stage("canvas");
var image = new createjs.Bitmap("assets/image.png");
image.scale(600, 600);
My image does not appear on the canvas unless I remove image.scale(600, 600)
According to the documentation, the scale
property is the scale factor. For example, a scale of 2 means that the image is two times as large. You're making the image 600 times as large. So a 64x64px image would become a 38400x38400px image. You'll need to calculate the factor from the image's dimensions:
const imageBounds = image.getBounds()
image.scaleX = 600 / imageBounds.width;
image.scaleY = 600 / imageBounds.height;
Notice also that scale
is a property, you can also directly assign to it:
image.scale = 1.6;