I'm using AngularJS and angular-translate for the internationalization. However my site has products loaded from the database. Since I want to avoid making 3 different collections and loading one based on language, I want to use one and translate the content dynamically.
So far I've tried the straightforward way, by entering the following in my database:
"name" : "{{'product_general' | translate}}",
However it just renders it as a string on my site. Is there a possible solution to my problem?
Try storing just the placeholder in the database. The part in the single quotes in your example:
Once you read it from the database, put that reference in the view and it should work.
In the controller:
$scope.valueReadFromDb = ...;
In the view:
{{ valueReadFromDb | translate }}
Alternatively, if you want to translate something in the controller side instead of the view, for whatever reason, you can inject $filter in your controller and do something like this:
var translate = $filter('translate');
$scope.someVariable = translate('PLACEHOLDER');