I'm building a VR/AR calendar in Unity, and looking for the easiest way to read calendar event data from Google and Facebook (let's just start with Google). I've tried using the Google Calendar C# API, but Unity doesn't support .NET 4.0 or above (Google Calendar API only works with .NET 4.0 and above). Unity does have a .NET 4.6 Experimental version, but in Visual Studio after installing Google.Apis.Auth etc and other packages needed in PuTTY package manager the C# code would still not recognize the imported packages below:
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2;
using Google.Apis.Calendar.v3;
using Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.Data;
using Google.Apis.Services;
using Google.Apis.Util.Store;
So next I tried a different approach: I tried installing the Unity Firebase plugin. It only works for iOS and Android for now, so I started a new project just to start clean. There are only a few YouTube videos about Firebase in Unity in general, and they don't get into Google Auth, just Google Analytics and regular plain email/password, so it's been trial and error for a few weeks now. I feel like this guy, except I'm not working with a FitBit, and I don't have it figured out. Does anybody have insight on how to go about this?
More important question: If I were to get Google Auth working through Firebase in Unity, how would I go about pulling the Google Calendar event data associated with that account? Would that be back through the C# script?
Is there another way all together that I'm probably missing? Thanks for any help!
To clarify your question. The Google Calendar API supports any language that can send HTTP POST and HTTP Gets. The Google .net client library currently requires a min of .net 4.5 to run. There is currently no support in the library for unity there is an issue here which states that we will probably not support it.
That being said you can still add google calendar to your project you will just have to code your own library for it.