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Can't properly save QChartView as image when using QLineSeries with openGL on

i am trying to create an application which can plot large data sets (so using of OpenGl is important to me). I use QChartView, QChart and QLineSeries. Also for QLineSeries i turn using openGL on. But when i'm trying to save chart as an image i get plot without data. I know that when QLineSeries using openGL it creates a QOpenGLWidget on top of the chart plot area, but i don't know ho to access it.

So a question is: how to save a chart as an image with drawn lines?

Some images:

What i want (Plot without using openGL):

Plot without using openGL

What i get (Plot with openGL):

Plot with openGL

Here is an example of code:

MainWindow constructor:

chartView = new QChartView(generate_sin_chart(), ui->centralWidget);


QLineSeries *series = new QLineSeries();
series->setUseOpenGL(true); //this line cause a problem

constexpr double PI = 3.14159265359;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
    double temp = i*PI/6;
    series->append(temp, sin(temp));

QChart *chart = new QChart();
chart->setTitle("Simple line chart example");

return chart;

Function for saving:

QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save file"), "", tr("Images (*.png)"));
QPixmap p = chartView->grab();, "PNG");


  • According to the docs:

    useOpenGL : bool

    Specifies whether or not drawing the series is accelerated by using OpenGL.

    Acceleration using OpenGL is supported only for QLineSeries and QScatterSeries. A line series used as an edge series for QAreaSeries cannot use OpenGL acceleration. When a chart contains any series that are drawn with OpenGL, a transparent QOpenGLWidget is created on top of the chart plot area. The accelerated series are not drawn on the underlying QGraphicsView, but are instead drawn on the created QOpenGLWidget.


    So when you use grab() only take a picture of the QChartView, the solution is to find the QOpenGLWidget object and record its image on top of the QChartView image, the following code does it:

    QPixmap p = chartView->grab();
    QOpenGLWidget *glWidget  = chartView->findChild<QOpenGLWidget*>();
        QPainter painter(&p);
        QPoint d = glWidget->mapToGlobal(QPoint())-chartView.mapToGlobal(QPoint());
        painter.drawImage(d, glWidget->grabFramebuffer());
    }"test", "PNG");

    As you should use QOpenGLWidget you must add QT += opengl to your .pro

    A complete example can be found in the following link