I'm currently working on a project, which uses PayPal for it's payments. And I'm a bit concerned about this notification which Chrome trows.
The SSL certificate used to load resources from https://www.paypalobjects.com will be distrusted in M70. Once distrusted, users will be prevented from loading these resources. See https://g.co/chrome/symantecpkicerts for more information.
Any ideas how this should be replaced will be very appreciated!
Thank you for your time!
Both Chrome and Firefox have announced that they will increase the level of trust provided by the certificate authorities. The mentioned certificate will therefore only work until March '18 but I assume that PayPal will renew this certificate eventually. More can be read here: https://blog.qualys.com/ssllabs/2017/09/26/google-and-mozilla-deprecating-existing-symantec-certificates