Is there a way to make the Eclipse editor presume that a specific C header file has already been included, without having to #include it explicitly?
For example, how can we achieve:
#include "common_type_defs.h"
#include "special_type_defs.h" // Don't want to have to mention this header file
common_type var1;
special_type var2;
by writing only:
#include "common_type_def.h"
common_type var1;
special_type var2; // Eclipse editor: "Symbol 'special_type' could not be resolved"
without getting the Eclipse editor annotation error: "Symbol 'special_type' could not be resolved".
The reason is, the project uses a custom scripted build system. The special header files are added automatically by the build system, selected from different libraries. So the build succeeds.
I have added the special header folder to the include paths of the project. This allows me to hit [F3] and jump to the definition of "special_type". It is just that the editor flags an error.
I do not want to silence the error because I want to catch real errors.
Any suggestions?
Go to:
Project properties → C/C++ General → Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros etc. → Entries → GNU C
Select CDT User Setting Entries and than click Add button. Select Include File and enter your preprocessor pre-include file here.
Apply and rebuild indexer.
I am using Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a)