I deployed heapster+grafana+influxdb combination. And i got the result like this
$kubectl cluster-info Kubernetes master is running at Heapster is running at system/services/heapster/proxy monitoring-grafana is running at system/services/monitoring-grafana/proxy monitoring-influxdb is running at system/services/monitoring-influxdb/proxy
But when i tried to access these services in web browser i get the following error:
{ "kind": "Status", "apiVersion": "v1", "metadata": {
"status": "Failure",
"message": "Unauthorized",
"reason": "Unauthorized",
"code": 401
I don't understand why this is happening. Any help friends?
I solved the issue. I exposed both grafana and heapster using Nodeport. I added the following instruction under spec of grafana and heapster yaml files(services)
type: NodePort
Then I checked the services list by using the following command.
kubectl get services -n kube-system
It showed the expose port of grafana and heapster somthing like this.
80:32068/TCP for heapster <br>
80:32230/TCP for grafana<br>
Then I could access both grafana and heapster with cluster_IP:port
For ex:
for grafana -
for heapster -