I have a custom watcher as follows:
watchlist := cache.NewListWatchFromClient(client.Core().RESTClient(), "configmaps", KubeSystemNameSpace, fields.SelectorFromSet(fields.Set{"metadata.name": "test-map"}))
resyncPeriod := 30 * time.Minute
//Setup an informer to call functions when the watchlist changes
_, controller = cache.NewInformer(
UpdateFunc: configMapUpdated,
Kubernetes's kube-proxy also listens for service events using informers. Is it always guaranteed that kube-proxy's handler's are called before the custom watcher gets the call?
Is it always guaranteed that kube-proxy's handler's are called before the custom watcher gets the call?
No, both kube-proxy and the custom watcher are treated as normal API clients, and there is no "happens before" guarantee as to which receives the service event first.