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Gradle plugin confusion/conflict with AutoValue and FreeBuilder

I am experimenting with Gradle/IntelliJ and various Java builders/containers. However, I am unable to configure both org.inferred.FreeBuilder and in the same project.

With the build.gradle file below, I am able to successfully compile a class annatoted with AutoValue, (Animal example from AutoValue documentation).

However, as soon as I uncomment "id 'org.inferred.processors" and "processor 'org.inferred:freebuilder:1.14.6'" I get

:processorPath \main\java\example\com\ error: cannot find symbol return new AutoValue_Animal(name, numberOfLegs); ^ symbol: class AutoValue_Animal location: class Animal 1 error :compileJava FAILED

plugins {
    id 'java'
    id 'idea'
    id 'net.ltgt.apt-idea'  version '0.13'
    // id 'org.inferred.processors' version '1.2.15'

version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'

sourceCompatibility = 1.8

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile ''
    apt ''

    //processor 'org.inferred:freebuilder:1.14.6'

jar {
    from {
        (configurations.runtime).collect {
            it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)
    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': ''

idea {
    project {
        // experimental: whether annotation processing will be configured in the IDE; only actually used with the 'idea' task.
        configureAnnotationProcessing = true
    module {
        apt {
            // whether generated sources dirs are added as generated sources root
            addGeneratedSourcesDirs = true
            // whether the apt and testApt dependencies are added as module dependencies
            addAptDependencies = true

            // The following are mostly internal details; you shouldn't ever need to configure them.
            // whether the compileOnly and testCompileOnly dependencies are added as module dependencies
            addCompileOnlyDependencies = false // defaults to true in Gradle < 2.12
            // the dependency scope used for apt and/or compileOnly dependencies (when enabled above)
            mainDependenciesScope = "PROVIDED" // defaults to "COMPILE" in Gradle < 3.4, or when using the Gradle integration in IntelliJ IDEA

I am trying to extract information out of these source:


  • You can use both gradle dependencies in your project, but not both their gradle plugins. Neither should you need to.

    You just need one gradle plugin for annotation processor support (any of them), and then all bean processor dependencies should work.