I have a little problem with this snippet of code:
public int compareTo(EventResponse o) {
int compare1 = startTime.compareTo(o.startTime);
if (compare1 == 0 && o.myProviderId != null && o.providerId != null) {
return o.providerId.compareTo(o.myProviderId) != 0 ? -1 : 0;
} else {
return compare1;
I have EventResponse class which i have created that implements Comparable interface, o.myProviderId is ID of currently signed in user (into application) and o.providerId is ID of user that is assigned to particular object (EventResponse). What I need to achieve is if there are two objects with the same startTime to show objects assigned to me first and then objects assigned to some other provider/s.
This code snippet should (and I think it did in the past) do the trick but I get error message stating: "Comparison method violates its general contract".
Please help!
The violation of the contract often means that the comparator is not providing the correct or consistent value when comparing objects.
For example :
if (compare1 == 0 && o.myProviderId != null && o.providerId != null) {
return o.providerId.compareTo(o.myProviderId) != 0 ? -1 : 0;
So, what happens when o.providerId.compareTo(o.myProviderId)
gives you 1
or -1
. In both scenario you are going to return -1
isn't it ?
Instead, why not simply return what gets return from compareTo
if (compare1 == 0 && o.myProviderId != null && o.providerId != null) {
return o.providerId.compareTo(o.myProviderId);