The documentation clearly states that nodetool refresh loads newly placed SSTables to the system without restart. Simple environment... 6 node cluster, 2 DCs, 3 nodes per DC, the keyspace in question is RF3 for each DC. Yes... I'm using C* 2.2.8, and there's nothing I can do about that at the moment. This never goes sideways on a single node cluster or a two node cluster [no network strategy in use] ... of course. :)
At this point, the data queried from each node using local_one consistency shows sstable1 and sstable2 results for every node.
If a snapshot is attempted (or repair ... because of before repair snapshot), it fails trying to snapshot the non-existent sstable2.
After a restart of the cluster, all is well and as expected.
Is nodetool refresh buggy for C* 2.2.8 as compared to nodetool drain?
My start and stop C* process is as follows... start... systemctl start casssandra.service
stop... nodetool disablegossip nodetool disablethrift nodetool disablebinary nodetool drain nodetool stopdaemon <= expecting an error systemctl stop casssandra.service
.... of course a restart is a stop an start. :)
Thank you in advance.
I was using C* 2.2.8 from the Datastax repo. Now, I'm using Apache C* 2.2.11 from the Apache repo, and I can no longer reproduce this issue.
Summary of the issue...
My conclusion is that C* 2.2.8 has a bug and 2.2.11 does not. Also, since Datastax no longer supports C*, avoid trusting them for anything that's not DSE. They are not to be trusted like Apache.