I'm using Laravel 5.5.
I created 4 middlewares, one middleware by user role.
The admin has same rights as the employee. However, admin owns some more privileges.
Routing File:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin'], function() {
Route::group(['middleware' => ['admin', 'employe']], function() {
Route::get('showCreationSeance', 'AdministrationController@showCreationSeance');
Route::get('showAjoutCoach', 'AdministrationController@showAjoutCoach');
Route::get('showReservationClient', 'AdministrationController@showReservationClient');
Route::get('showAnnulationClient', 'AdministrationController@showAnnulationClient');
Route::post('creerSeance', 'AdministrationController@creerSeance')->name('admin/creerSeance');
Route::post('ajouterCoach', 'AdministrationController@ajouterCoach')->name('admin/ajouterCoach');
Route::group(['middleware' => 'admin'], function() {
Route::get('showCreationActivite', 'AdministrationController@showCreationActivite');
Route::get('showAjoutEmploye', 'AdministrationController@showAjoutEmploye');
Route::post('creerActivite', 'AdministrationController@creerActivite')->name('admin/creerActivite');
Route::post('ajouterEmploye', 'AdministrationController@ajouterEmploye')->name('admin/ajouterEmploye');
class AdminMiddleware
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$user = User::getUser(Auth::user()->id_utilisateur);
if(!$user->estAdmin()) {
throw new AuthorizationException();
return $next($request);
class EmployeMiddleware
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$user = User::getUser(Auth::user()->id_utilisateur);
if(!$user->estEmploye()) {
throw new AuthorizationException();
return $next($request);
Methods used into middlewares:
public function estAdmin() {
$idStatutAdmin = Statut::select('id_statut')
->where('nom_statut', '=', 'ROLE_ADMIN')
return ($idStatutAdmin->id_statut == $this->id_statut) ? true : false;
public function estEmploye() {
$idStatutEmployee = Statut::select('id_statut')
->where('nom_statut', '=', 'ROLE_EMPLOYEE')
return ($idStatutEmployee->id_statut == $this->id_statut) ? true : false;
Stack Trace:
Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler render
…/app/Exceptions/Handler.php 51
…/app/Http/Middleware/AdminMiddleware.php 25
Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel handle
…/public/index.php 55
The problem: The routes defined for admin and employee didn't work and I get an error:
Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ AccessDeniedHttpException
No message
While routes for admin only work perfectly. Can you tell me if I'm doing this correctly?
When I'm connected as an admin, it is EmployeMiddleware
which throw an error. And when I'm connected as employee, it is AdminMiddleware
which throw an error.
Thank's for your help!
The user has the id_statut
column which can only be ROLE_ADMIN
. Take the following example:
$roles = [
'admin' => 2,
'employee' => 1
$user = [
'id_statut' => 1
if ($user['id_statut'] == $roles['employee']) {
// User is an employee - this code will execute
if ($user['id_statut'] == $roles['admin']) {
// User is not an admin - this code will NOT execute
if ($user['id_statut'] == $roles['employee'] && $user['id_statut'] == $roles['employee']) {
// User is an employee AND an admin
// This is impossible based on your database structure as id_statut cannot be both 1 and 2
An easy solution would be to check if the user is an employee or higher permission in estEmploye()
. For example:
public function estEmploye() {
$idStatutEmployee = Statut::select('id_statut')
->where('nom_statut', 'IN', ['ROLE_EMPLOYEE', 'ROLE_ADMIN'])
return in_array($this->id_status, $idStatutEmployee);