I have number which has 18 decimal points. I want to get the digits before the decimal points in a variable and the digits after the decimals in another variable.
Let's say the original variable value is 100,
I want to show that like this 100.000000000000000000
but now I am getting 100000000000000000000
(without decimal point)
I am trying to print the digits before the decimal points in a HTML element and the rest in another HTML
<div class="original"></div>
var original = data['result'];
This prints 100000000000000000000
in the element original and that's fine.
Now I want to print the digits before the decimal points in a HTML element 'beforeDecimal' and point then the rest
So my mark up is:
<div class="beforeDecimal"></div> . <div class="afterDecimal"></div>
var beforeDecimal = data['result']; // how do I have to change this ?
var afterDecimal = data['result']; // how do I have to change this ?
if I use var beforeDecimal = parseFloat(data['result']).toFixed(4);
is shows 100.00000000000e+21
but I want 100 . 000000000000000000
How can I do this?
Turns out that the number should be considered a string...
Because the entire AND the decimals (always 18) are "merged" (the dot is removed).
Additionally... We are working with a "too big" integer for simple JS.
So here comes BigInteger.js which enables us to turn that big number into a string without error.
Then, that is just sub-string management!
That was a good one!
// Our start point...
var data = [];
data['result'] = 2287852333330000000000;
// To see why use "bigInt" library !!!
var numberWRONG = data['result'].toString();
console.log("numberWRONG: "+numberWRONG);
var number = bigInt(data['result']);
numberString = number.toString();
// Now were ok to just string manipulate... Knowing we always have 18 decimals.
// Get the lenghts.
var numberLength = numberString.length;
var entireLength = numberLength - 18;
var decimalLength = numberLength - entireLength;
// cut the sub-strings.
var entire = numberString.substr(0,entireLength);
var decimals = numberString.substr(entireLength,numberLength);
// Append the parts in the right divs.
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/big-integer/1.6.26/BigInteger.min.js"></script>
<div class="beforeDecimal"></div> . <div class="afterDecimal"></div>