The Beginning Elm - Let Expression page builds on the previous page, but it doesn't cover how to update the main function, written in forward function notation, which was:
main =
time 2 3
|> speed 7.67
|> escapeEarth 11
|> Html.text
to include the new fuelStatus parameter.
The compiler complains about a type mismatch, which is correct, as escapeEarth now has a third argument, which is a string.
As stated on that site "The forward function application operator takes the result from the previous expression and passes it as the last argument to the next function application."
In other words, how do I write this:
Html.text (escapeEarth 11 (speed 7.67 (time 2 3)) "low")
using forward notation?
Also, why doesn't this print "Land on droneship", along with "Stay in orbit"? It only prints "Stay in orbit":
module Playground exposing (..)
import Html
escapeEarth velocity speed fuelStatus =
escapeVelocityInKmPerSec =
orbitalSpeedInKmPerSec =
whereToLand fuelStatus =
if fuelStatus == "low" then
"Land on droneship"
"Land on launchpad"
if velocity > escapeVelocityInKmPerSec then
else if speed == orbitalSpeedInKmPerSec then
"Stay in orbit"
"Come back"
speed distance time =
distance / time
time startTime endTime =
endTime - startTime
main =
Html.text (escapeEarth 11 (speed 7.67 (time 2 3)) "low")
I think what you need is
main =
time 2 3
|> speed 7.67
|> \spd -> escapeEarth 11 spd "low"
|> Html.text
In other words you define a little anonymous function to insert the value correctly. You may want to look at whether the escapeEarth function should be defined with a different order.
An alternative if you love 'point free' would be
main =
time 2 3
|> speed 7.67
|> flip (escapeEarth 11) "low"
|> Html.text
Some would argue that this is less clear though
As for your second question you have defined functions in your let statement but never actually used it