This question refers to this Stack Overflow question.
This is the original question:
a 3 d
b 1 a
c 8 e
d 5
I want to use
function, sum range isB1:B4
, if the corresponding value in columnA
exists in columnC
, sum the values in columnB
, in this case the sum will be3 + 5 = 8
The answer turned out to be:
I would like to create the same result, but with a multiplier on one of the ranges.
Here's my question:
a 3 d 3
b 1 a 1
c 8 e 1
d 5 d 3
The only thing I would like to do differently is add a range D1:D3
that acts as a multiplier. In this case, the sum I want would be (3x3)+(5x3)= 24
One challenge is that the ranges are different sizes in the "Test Data" google sheet linked below. The "Test Data" sheet is an example of how I would like to total daily calories based on the number of servings of items that I eat as dictated by the "multiplier column."
I would like the numbers in C2:C27
to be a multiplier and factored into the total in D36
For example, if I ate 2 servings of Beef, then 2 servings worth of Beef's calories would be displayed in the daily totals below the data. Currently, using the formula =SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(Meal_Items!$A$2:$A$100,$D$2:$D$28,Meal_Items!$B$2:$B$100)), only 1 serving of beef is weighted.
See linked Test Data set above
The original question could also be solved with this formula
using that version it's a simple matter to add one or more multiplier columns
Given discussion in comments this formula should do what you want in either Excel or google sheets