I am using execelementasync in c#.
I want to use JavaScript too simulate a click to this button:
<a class="btn confirm" href="#">
My code:
string jsScriptB = System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Parse(@"<js><![CDATA[ document.getElementByClassName('btn confirm').click();]]></js>").Value;
I am really not sure what is going wrong but the button does not click.
Question: How can I click that button using JavaScript
In Javascript document.getElementsByClassName will return a array of HtmlElement so you can't call click on it directly. you need to click on a single element
document.getElementsByClassName('btn confirm')[0].click();
Secondly you are trying to use 2 class in your getElementByClassName which is invalid in first place.
You can better call it like
or just call querySelector if there is only one element in your html document. later you can call it like