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Create a VIEW for Hive Table by defining schema for a column which has JSON

  1. I'm storing the Raw JSON string from my Kafka stream to HDFS as parquet
  2. I have created an external table on Hive for the HDFS folder
  3. Now I want to create a VIEW for the RAW data stored in the Hive table,

Kafka Stream to HDFS

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    String brokers = "quickstart:9092";
    String topics = "simple_topic_6";
    String master = "local[*]";

    SparkSession sparkSession = SparkSession
    SQLContext sqlContext = sparkSession.sqlContext();
    SparkContext context = sparkSession.sparkContext();

    Dataset<Row> rawDataSet = sparkSession.readStream()
            .option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", brokers)
            .option("subscribe", topics).load();

    rawDataSet = rawDataSet.withColumn("employee", rawDataSet.col("value").cast(DataTypes.StringType));
    Dataset<Row> writeDataset = sqlContext.sql("select employee from basicView");
            .option("checkpointLocation", "/user/cloudera/employee.checkpoint/")

External table on Hive

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE employee_raw ( employee STRING )  
LOCATION '/user/cloudera/employee' ;

Now I want to create a HIVE view on top of employee_raw table, which gives the out put as

firstName, lastName, street, city, state, zip

The output of employee_raw table is

hive> select * from employee_raw;
{"employee":{"firstName":"Ganesh","lastName":"Kumar","address":{"street":"1400 Dakota Dr","city":"Princeton","state":"NJ","zip":"09800"}}}
{"employee":{"firstName":"Ganesh","lastName":"Kumar","address":{"street":"1400 Dakota Dr","city":"Princeton","state":"NJ","zip":"09800"}}}
{"employee":{"firstName":"Ganesh","lastName":"Kumar","address":{"street":"1400 Dakota Dr","city":"Princeton","state":"NJ","zip":"09800"}}}
{"employee":{"firstName":"Ganesh","lastName":"Kumar","address":{"street":"1400 Dakota Dr","city":"Princeton","state":"NJ","zip":"09800"}}}
{"employee":{"firstName":"Ganesh","lastName":"Kumar","address":{"street":"1400 Dakota Dr","city":"Princeton","state":"NJ","zip":"09800"}}}
Time taken: 0.123 seconds, Fetched: 5 row(s)

Your inputs are appreciated


  • According your description it looks for me that you mainly like to "Extract values from JSON string in Hive", so you may find the answer in the linked thread.