I imported a 3D model which has a few child objects and now I would like to get a specific child mesh.
When I use .getObjectByName("Cylinder", true)
I always get undefined
back, although the model has a child object with the specifed name:
Is there a way to get the child object?
A piece of code would be useful, but there is a pretty common issue happening when You are trying to access the model properties before it actually loads.
Until the model actually loads, You can't access it's properties.
I would suggest listening for the model-loaded
event, the gltf-model, and the obj-model. It should work like this:
AFRAME.registerComponent("modelhandler", {
init:function() {
this.el.addEventListener("model-loaded", (e)=>
let child = obj.getObjectByName( "Cylinder", true );
<a-entity gltf-model="url(/path/to/model.gltf)" modelhandler></a-entity>
If that won't work, You can also try setting a timeout for 5 seconds ( 99% the cube, and a sphere will load within 5 secs), and then trying to grab the child objects. Try putting something like this in the component:
let child = obj.getObjectByName( "Cylinder", true );
}, 5000});
Otherwise, at least You'll know the issue isn't about the loading.