I've got two valid GeoJSONs. I'm trying to understand whether they overlap. I've been trying to use line-intersect from Turf.js, like this:
import { lineIntersect } from '@turf/turf';
if (lineIntersect(e.layer.toGeoJSON(), realGeoJSON))
console.log (lineIntersect(e.layer.toGeoJSON(), realGeoJSON));
Unfortunately, this just brings back an empty feature collection.
For instance, here are two features which overlap (one contains the other,) yet when I run lineIntersect on them, I get an empty result:
,{"type":"Feature","properties":{},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[34.928146,30.991737],[35.103928,30.982319],[35.005051,30.897511],[34.928146,30.991737]]]}} ]
Turns out that using Turf's booleanWithin function works. I'm also using booleanOverlaps for those edge cases. Like this:
if (
booleanWithin(e.layer.toGeoJSON(), realGeoJSON) || booleanOverlaps(e.layer.toGeoJSON(), realGeoJSON))