I'm trying to prove the following theorem:
Theorem Zeq_to_eq: forall (a b : Z), Zneq_bool a b = true -> a <> b.
intros a b.
intros neq.
rewrite Zeq_bool_neq.
I get the following error:
Tactic failure: setoid rewrite failed: Unable to satisfy the following constraints:
?X22==[a b neq |- Relation_Definitions.relation Prop] (internal placeholder) {?r}
?X23==[a b neq |- Relation_Definitions.relation Z] (internal placeholder) {?r0}
?X24==[a b neq (do_subrelation:=Morphisms.do_subrelation)
|- Morphisms.Proper
(Morphisms.respectful (fun x y : Z => x <> y)
(Morphisms.respectful ?X23@{__:=a; __:=b; __:=neq}
?X22@{__:=a; __:=b; __:=neq})) eq] (internal placeholder) {?p}
?X25==[a b neq |- Morphisms.ProperProxy ?X23@{__:=a; __:=b; __:=neq} b]
(internal placeholder) {?p0}
?X26==[a b neq (do_subrelation:=Morphisms.do_subrelation)
|- Morphisms.Proper
(Morphisms.respectful ?X22@{__:=a; __:=b; __:=neq}
(Basics.flip Basics.impl)) not] (internal placeholder) {?p1}
I assume that something "deep" is going wrong, but I have no idea how to debug it. Help would be appreciated.
Check Zeq_bool_neq.
: forall x y : Z, Zeq_bool x y = false -> x <> y
In general, you can apply
an implication like the above, and you can rewrite
if you have a logical equivalence (<->
), which you can find like so:
Search (Zeq_bool) (_ <-> _).
(* Zeq_is_eq_bool: forall x y : Z, x = y <-> Zeq_bool x y = true *)
Here is how we can use it:
From Coq Require Import Bool ZArith.
Open Scope Z.
Lemma Zneq_bool_Zeq_bool (a b : Z) : Zneq_bool a b = negb (Zeq_bool a b).
Proof. now unfold Zeq_bool, Zneq_bool; destruct (a ?= b). Qed.
Theorem Zneq_to_neq (a b : Z) : Zneq_bool a b = true -> a <> b.
rewrite Zeq_is_eq_bool,Zneq_bool_Zeq_bool, not_true_iff_false, negb_true_iff.
Incidentally, Zeq_bool
/ Zneq_bool
functions are deprecated (see the comments in Coq.ZArith.Zbool
We now provide a direct
that doesn't refer toZ.compare
. The oldZeq_bool
is kept for compatibility.