I am using Angular Datatable and Angular Translate in my current project.
I've created a custom pagination & info for datatable as bellow:
var language = {
"sEmptyTable": "<div class='alert alert-primary text-center m-auto w-25'>" + $filter('translate')('TABLE.S_EMPTY_TABLE') + "</div>",
"sInfo": "show <b>_START_</b> until <b>_END_</b> of <b>_TOTAL_</b> records",
"sInfoEmpty": "show 0 until 0 of 0 records",
"sInfoFiltered": "(filtered of _MAX_ records)",
"sInfoPostFix": "",
"sInfoThousands": ",",
"sLengthMenu": "show _MENU_ records",
"sLoadingRecords": "<div class='inlineLoading'><span class='img'></span> <span class='text'>" + $filter('translate')('GLOBAL.LOADING') + "</span> </div>",
"sProcessing": "<div class='inlineLoading'><span class='img'></span> <span class='text'>" + $translate.instant('TABLE.S_PROCESSING') + "</span> </div>",
"sSearch": "search",
"sZeroRecords": "<div class='alert alert-primary text-center m-auto w-25'>" + $filter('translate')('TABLE.S_ZERO_RECORDS') + "</div>",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "<span class='mdi mdi-chevron-double-left' title='first'></span>",
"sLast": "<span class='mdi mdi-chevron-double-right' title='last'></span>",
"sNext": "<span class='mdi mdi-chevron-right' title='next'></span>",
"sPrevious": "<span class='mdi mdi-chevron-left' title='prev'></span>"
"oAria": {
"sSortAscending": "",
"sSortDescending": ""
And datatable options is:
$rootScope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.fromSource()
.withOption('processing', true)
.withOption('serverSide', true)
.withOption('initComplete', function() {
angular.element('.table input').attr('placeholder', 'search...');
prefix: 'app/resources/lang-', // path to translations files
suffix: '.json'
$translateProvider.preferredLanguage('en'); // default language
$translateProvider.useLocalStorage(); // saves selected language to localStorage
"TABLE": {
"S_PROCESSING": "peoesing...",
"S_ZERO_RECORDS": "no rcordfound",
"LOADING": "ding..."
Now I want to use angular translate in this custom pagination and info.(look at var language= {}
I have used
And $translate.instant('TABLE.S_PROCESSING')
But both of them not working and the string of each translate variable is shown for example: GLOBAL.LOADING
instead of it's translation!
Where is The problem?
I wanted to use $translate
before any translation, because of that, It doesn't work correctly. So I used $translateChangeSuccess
event(one of angular translate events) and in callback function, Call a function that have datatable options and configs.
$rootScope.$on('$translateChangeSuccess', function (event) {
function datatableInit() {
var language = {
"sEmptyTable": "<div class='alert alert-primary text-center m-auto w-25'>" + $filter('translate')('TABLE.S_EMPTY_TABLE') + "</div>",
"sInfo": "show <b>_START_</b> until <b>_END_</b> of <b>_TOTAL_</b> records",
"sInfoEmpty": "show 0 until 0 of 0 records",
"sInfoFiltered": "(filtered of _MAX_ records)",
"sInfoPostFix": "",
"sInfoThousands": ",",
"sLengthMenu": "show _MENU_ records",
"sLoadingRecords": "<div class='inlineLoading'><span class='img'></span> <span class='text'>" + $filter('translate')('GLOBAL.LOADING') + "</span> </div>",
"sProcessing": "<div class='inlineLoading'><span class='img'></span> <span class='text'>" + $translate.instant('TABLE.S_PROCESSING') + "</span> </div>",
"sSearch": "search",
"sZeroRecords": "<div class='alert alert-primary text-center m-auto w-25'>" + $filter('translate')('TABLE.S_ZERO_RECORDS') + "</div>",
"oPaginate": {
"sFirst": "<span class='mdi mdi-chevron-double-left' title='first'></span>",
"sLast": "<span class='mdi mdi-chevron-double-right' title='last'></span>",
"sNext": "<span class='mdi mdi-chevron-right' title='next'></span>",
"sPrevious": "<span class='mdi mdi-chevron-left' title='prev'></span>"
"oAria": {
"sSortAscending": "",
"sSortDescending": ""
$rootScope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.fromSource()
.withOption('processing', true)
.withOption('serverSide', true)
.withOption('initComplete', function() {
angular.element('.table input').attr('placeholder', 'search...');