Running a Java web service with embedded Jetty web container. Would like to serve my RESTful API endpoints over HTTPS with a root CA-signed SSL cert (no OpenSSL).
Can I configure my embedded Jetty container to use a "free" AWS Certificate Manager cert cert or are those certs only for use by AWS infrastructure (ELB, CloudFormation, etc.)? If so can I assume these certs are root CA-signed?
Basically I'm trying to figure out whether I need to spend a few hundred bucks on a Thawte/GoDaddy cert or if I can get one for free via AWS.
From Mark's comment:
"AWS Certificate manager certs can only be used by ELB, CloudFront and API Gateway. You would have to place an ELB, or a CloudFront distribution in front of your Jetty application in order to use an ACM SSL certificate."
So yes you can use one of the free AWS root CA-signed certs if you put your Jetty-based services behind ELBs.