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Clone aws codecommit repo using chef

How can i clone aws codecommit repo with chef recipe?

I tried installing AWS CLI and added credentials with codecommit access, then use chef’s git resource to clone the repo. but it fails with could not read Username for ‘’ .

git "/home/ubuntu/lead_intake" do
  repository node[:app_name][:git_repository]
  action :sync

When tried to clone from the command line it works.

helps would be appreciated


  • First, make sure you have correct Access key ID and Secret access key in IAM -> users -> Security Credentials. Second, put [credential] helper = !aws codecommit credential-helper $@ UseHttpPath = true into .gitconfig file. Third, Both .gitconfig file and .aws directory should in the /root/ . Maybe this is the problem that you have. You put the .gitconfig in the /root/.aws/, which will make credential helper useless. Thus it is asking your Username/Password.

    If you have done all the things above, it also fails, I suggest you to use ssh to clone the repository. Follow this documentation