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Android - setSelected in OnItemClick in ListView

I am trying to set item selected in OnItemClick event in ListView and it just wouldn't leave item selected. What am I doing wrong?

lView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()
    public void onItemClick(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") AdapterView parent, View clickedview, int position, long id)

few things:
1. I am trying to implement Multiple Select on the list View.
2. I cannot extend from ListActivity because Activity extends from BaseActivity custom class already.
3. mItemsAdapter is a custom ItemsAdapter adapter that extends BaseAdapter.
4. I don't need a checkbox in there, just to be able to see the row selected is fine.
5. ItemsAdapter overrides getView() and sets the layout of the row by inflating xml


  • I currently don't have much time. So I'll take a look again later this day. Anyway take a look at my previous questions, I was struggling with the same:

    In case the solution for you is not in there (I think it's in the first one) we will need more code, in order to help you.

    Hope this helps a bit.