The idea is to create a .bat or .html file that when i run it tells me whether a url has a Flash object or not. If webpage have Flash Object, show me a echo and if don't have show me another echo.
I have this .bat ... This thing, seems to check if the page is on or off. But I don't get to check if webpage has a Flash object or not :( This can be done?
@echo off
set "URL1="
cscript /nologo /e:jscript "%~f0" %URL1%
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 200 (
echo %URL1% Online
) else (
echo %URL1% Off
goto :EOF
JScript */
with(new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")){
I appreciate any help no matter how long it happens. If you know a free program that does this also helps me.
Thank for read and get nice day.
try with winhttpjs.bat (it should be in the same directory):
::testing site with flash
call winhttpjs.bat -saveto res.html
find /i "" "res.html" >nul 2>nul && (
echo site has flash
echo site has NO flash
::testing site WITHOUT flash
call winhttpjs.bat -saveto res.html
find /i "" "res.html" >nul 2>nul && (
echo site has flash
echo site has NO flash