I am trying to re-build an XMI structure. So for that i need to append a child node like below
<node xmi:type="shape" xmi:id="12358" type="rectangle">
</node >
So created an XMLElement and tried to add attributes using below code
XmlElement child= papNotdoc.CreateElement("node");
child.SetAttribute("type", "http://www.omg.org/XMI", "Shape");
child.SetAttribute("id", "http://www.omg.org/XMI","12358");
child.SetAttribute("type", "rectangle");
using the namespace URL so that i will get a prefix XMI: in one of the type attribute.
But unfortunately XML element treats both type named attributes as same attributes and giving me an output as below
<node xmi:type="rectangle" xmi:id="12358">
</node >
I want both the xmi:type and type attribute in a node.How to achieve it ?
You should give null
to namespaceURI param of SetAttribute
XmlElement child = papNotdoc.CreateElement("node");
child.SetAttribute("type", "http://www.omg.org/XMI", "Shape");
child.SetAttribute("id", "http://www.omg.org/XMI", "12358");
child.SetAttribute("type", null, "rectangle");