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Return ordered key value pairs from database - Java

I am trying to create a league table from key value pairs in a derby database - the rows in the database have only two columns, TeamName & Goals.

I need to get these to my GUI class so I can set the keys & values as JLabels in the league table. Ordered top down descending in terms of total goals.

From what I have read LinkedHashMap & TreeSet should both be able to assist me.

Code I have so far:

public TreeMap viewTeams(){
    TreeMap teamData = new TreeMap();
    String viewTeams = "SELECT * FROM HUI.TEAM";
    try {
        stmt = dbConnection.createStatement();
        rs = stmt.executeQuery(viewTeams);
    } catch (SQLException error) {
        System.err.println("Error querying database for teams: " + error.toString());
    try {
        while ({
            teamData.put((rs.getString("TEAMNAME")), (rs.getInt("GOALSSCORED")));
    } catch (SQLException error) {
        System.err.println("Error adding players to HasMap: " + error.toString());
    return teamData;

In the TeamDB class

public void updateLeagueTable(){
    TeamDB tdb = new TeamDB("FootManDatabase");
    TreeMap teamData = tdb.viewTeams(); // Do I need this new TreeMap?
    // How do I Iterate through the pairs in descending order?

In the GUI class


  • I would just let the SQL database to the sorting, as that's one thing it can do well.

    Also, you can't use a TreeMap<String, Integer> as that would iterate by team name instead of goals. And you can't use TreeMap<Integer, String> either because it doesn't allow duplicates so you won't be able to have two teams with the same goals scored. Instead, I would use a list. Something like the following (but remember to close your resources properly, which I've left out for clarity).

    class TeamScore {
        private final String name;
        private final int numGoals;
        public TeamScore(String name, int numGoals) {
   = name;
            this.numGoals = numGoals;
        // getters...
    public List<TeamScore> viewTeams() throws SQLException {
        List<TeamScore> teamData = new ArrayList<>();
        stmt = dbConnection.createStatement();
        rs = stmt.executeQuery(viewTeams);
        while ( {
            teamData.add(new TeamScore(rs.getString("TEAMNAME"), rs.getInt("GOALSSCORED"));
        return teamData;