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how to handle ngClass in stencils JS web components

I have made components in angular js 4, now i am trying to make the same component as a web components in stencils Js.

I have the angular code as below

<button [class]="classNames" (click)="toggleMasterButton()" 
[ngClass]="masterButtonActive ? _config.masterButtonClass :'-state-grey'">

I tried the code as below but unable to go resolve the ngClass and class properly as in the angular component. Any help will be appreciated.

<button  onClick={this.toggleMasterButton.bind(this)}
class={this.masterButtonActive ? this._config.masterButtonClass:'-state-grey'}>


  • I believe you want to update/toggle css class when the user clicks on the button.

    To update class which you want to reflect on UI, in stencils-js you need to decorate with @State

    You can read more about doc

    In short, you need to update your code as below.

     import { State } from '@stencil/core';
     export class TodoList {
      @State() masterButtonActive:boolean = false;
            this.masterButtonActive= true;
          render() {
            <button  onClick={this.toggleMasterButton.bind(this)}
               class={'mcf__btn ' + ( this.masterButtonActive ? this.config.masterButtonClass:   '-state-grey')}My button</button>

    Hope this will work for you.