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Firebase Performance Plugin causing slow build time

When using Firebase Performance in Android Studio the gradle task app:transformClassesWithFirebasePerformancePluginForDebug is taking significantly longer than any other task and is therefore dramatically slowing down my gradle build times.

Slow Build shown in Profiler


  • Firebase in our project caused 40% build time increase. To speed up debug builds we added a possibility to switch it on/off using build parameters in app/build.gradle and root build.gradle files:


    if (!project.hasProperty("disable-performance-plugin"))  {
        apply plugin: '' 


    if (!project.hasProperty("disable-performance-plugin")) {
        classpath('') {
            exclude group: '', module: 'guava-jdk5'

    when running from the command line use

    ./gradlew your-task  -Pdisable-performance-plugin

    when working from Android Studio, add the flag to compiler options:

    Android Studio compiler options