I'm converting data from one database to another with a slightly different structure. In my flow at some point I need to read data from the first database filtering on the id coming from previous steps.
This is the image of my flow:
In the step "ZtlBus note" the query is:
SELECT e.*,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(v.dataInserimento)*1000 as timestamp
FROM verbale_evento ve JOIN evento e ON ve.eventi_id=e.id
WHERE ve.Verbale_id=? AND e.titolo='Note verbale'
Because I've just one parameter, in the previous step I use a Select values step. Unfortunately, after the Table input I need others fields coming from previous steps (Audit step) as marked in the picture.
I'm wondering how I can pass these fields after Table input. Some advice is appreciated.
if you use the "Database Join" step instead the input table step you will be able to keep the previous values of your transformation.