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Passing array object in find Method (TypeORM)

I am migrating the API to TypeORM from mongoose. I have an array(conversationIds) containing list of id to be searched from the Database and it should return me the available id. Below are the query which i have tried.

 const conversationMessagesWithDuplicates = await consversationRepository.createQueryBuilder("conversation").where("conversation.channel_message_ID = :channel_message_ID",{channel_message_ID : conversationIds}).getMany();

and also this one

const conversationMessagesWithDuplicates = await consversationRepository.find({channel_message_ID: conversationIds});

But i am getting below issue:

(node:11548) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): QueryFailedError: Error: Incorrect syntax near ','.

I have tried using entity Manger also but no success

const conversationMessagesWithDuplicates = await entityManager.query(`SELECT channel_message_ID FROM Conversation where channel_message_ID IN (conversationIds)`);

Below is the MoongoseAPI which is working fine:

Conversation.find( { channel_message_ID: { $in: conversationMessageIdArray } } ).exec(function(err, conversationMessagesDuplicatesArray) {}


  • This is the solution

    const conversationMessagesWithDuplicates = await consversationRepository.createQueryBuilder("conversation").where("conversation.channel_message_ID IN (:conversationIds)", { conversationIds: conversationIds }).getMany();