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Grails 3 - f:table - how to display property of related class

There is 2 simple classes:

class Entity{
Integer id
Status status
String type

class Status{
Integer id
String name

I just need to replace representation of "status" field in Entity list and edit - instead of my.appStage : 1 -> "normal" How to do it?


  • Create a file named _displayWrapper.gsp in the following directory:


    Then in the file add the following:


    Assuming you just want to print the text 'normal'.

    There are other ways to achieve this, see docs.

    Update after question:

    For f:all you could add _wrapper.gsp to the directory mentioned above and add the following:

    <div class="fieldcontain required">
        <label for="status">Status</label>
        <g:select name="status" from="${Status.all}" optionValue="name" optionKey="id" value="${entity?.status}"/>