I have an Angular project, and I want to implement some functions to arrow keys, I tried to use something like (keyup.[keyCode])="Move(itemArray, 'UP')
_where [keyCode] represents the code of one of arrow keys_But nothing works, here's the template where I use this.
The Template (HTML)
<div (keyup.38)="Move(itemArray, 'UP')"
(keyup.37)="Move(itemArray, 'LEFT')"
(keyup.40)="Move(itemArray, 'DOWN')"
(keyup.39)="Move(itemArray, 'RIGHT')">
<div class="score">
<div class="score">
</div> <br>
<div class="game-container">
<div class="grid-container">
<div *ngFor="let item of itemArray">
<div class="grid-cell-{{item.level|number}}">
<div class="button-container">
<button class="empty"></button>
<button class="control-button" (click)="Move(itemArray, 'UP')">Up</button>
<button class="empty"></button>
<button class="control-button" (click)="Move(itemArray, 'LEFT')">Left</button>
<button class="control-button" (click)="Move(itemArray, 'DOWN')">Down</button>
<button class="control-button" (click)="Move(itemArray, 'RIGHT')">Right</button>
Exploring Angular's relevant pull request, it created the impression that this feature does not support key codes, but only a set of key names.
(keyup.arrowup)="Move(itemArray, 'UP')"
(keyup.arrowleft)="Move(itemArray, 'LEFT')"
(keyup.arrowdown)="Move(itemArray, 'DOWN')"
(keyup.arrowright)="Move(itemArray, 'RIGHT')"
Notice the usage of names instead of numbers.