I would like to know how can I create a charge using a stored credit card.
Using /card api I have successfully stored card in QuickBooks Online and received card id in return.
Now I want to create a charge against the stored card. For creating a charge I see there are 2 ways to provide card details.
I tried retrieving the stored Card using it's Id and then using the returned card details in the Charge but it didn't work.
So I would like to know how can I create a charge by using a stored credit card and not requiring to provide explicit card details every time.
I have tried following test code but it's giving me 'card.number is invalid' error.
public Charge createCharge(Context context, String requestId) {
String uri = "https://sandbox.api.intuit.com/quickbooks/v4/payments/charges";
PaymentService paymentService = new PaymentService();
Charge charge = new Charge();
CreditCard card = null;
try {
card = paymentService.getCreditCard(context, getRequestId(), "https://sandbox.api.intuit.com/quickbooks/v4/customers/{customer_id}/cards/{card_id}");
} catch (Exception e) {
charge.setAmount(new BigDecimal(10.55));
try {
charge = paymentService.createCharge(context, getRequestId(), charge, uri);
return charge;
} catch (Exception e) {
Error com.intuit.ipp.exception.BadRequestException: ERROR CODE:PMT-4000, ERROR MESSAGE:card.number is invalid., ERROR DETAIL:card.number, MORE ERROR DETAIL:HttpStatusCode=400; Type=invalid_request; MoreInfo=Credit/Debit card number format, InfoLink=https://developer.intuit.com/v2/docs?redirectID=PayErrors
The card number in the card that I retrieve using card id is (obviously) obfuscated and is in the format "xxxxxxxxxxxx1111" and so /charges api complains that it is invalid.
Store the card details ("create a card") using this API endpoint:
You get back a unique id
Create a charge using this API endpoint:
Make sure for the cardOnFile
you pass the id
value you got back from the first API call.
Your current code is incorrect. Where you should be passing cardOnFile
as a param, you're passing the card
node instead (which expects a full card number, vs. a card id
value). Specifically this line is incorrect: