I am making a forum database. The needed tables are the questions and the comments tables. The question table has an IsDeleted
flag and the comments table has an IsDeleted
flag (PS the comments table is based on the category - sub category hierarchy - each comment has a ParentId
(if it's null then it's on the top of the hierarchy)).
I am wondering what would be suitable when I am deleting a comment and deleting a question. For example when I delete a question it's obvious that I will mark the question as IsDeleted
(should I delete the comments also as IsDeleted
?). But when I am deleting a comment should I mark only the current comment as IsDeleted
or the current comment and all it's descendants?
PS: Please support your advice with some sample code :)
You can use a database trigger and update posts under the thread (ParentId) as deleted easily. Just use an AFTER UPDATE trigger and check if IsDeleted column updated or not. So you can update posts as deleted too under that thread
But if you have analysis like how many posts are deleted because of spam, etc. it is better to keep a reason for deletion column. Or simply do not update child posts but to check their statu, always read the parent beside (which is not performing good always)
Here is a sample trigger code for a two table solution
create trigger post_delete on thread after update
update post
set isDeleted = 1
where threadId in (
select d.threadId
from inserted i
inner join deleted d
on i.threadId = d.threadId
where i.isDeleted = 1 and
d.isDeleted is null
I am adding meta data for the second case where all posts are stored in single table and adding recursive CTE within modified trigger below I hope it helps
create table Posts (
PostId int,
ParentId int,
Title nvarchar(256),
Text nvarchar(max),
IsDeleted bit
Following AFTER UPDATE SQL trigger works for SQL table like above
create trigger posts_delete on posts after update
with tbl as (
select d.PostId
from inserted i
inner join deleted d
on i.PostId = d.PostId
where i.IsDeleted = 1 and
d.IsDeleted is null
), cte as (
select * from Posts where PostId in (select PostId from tbl)
union all
select p.*
from Posts p
inner join cte
on cte.PostId = p.ParentId
update posts
set isDeleted = 1
where PostId in (
select PostId from (
select * from cte
) t
I tested the SQL script using following sample data
insert into Posts select 1, null, 'Triggers','',NULL
insert into Posts select 2, null, 'Databases','',NULL
insert into Posts select 3, 1, 'DDL Trigger','SQL',NULL
insert into Posts select 4, 3, 'What is DDL?','DDL',NULL
select * from Posts
update Posts set IsDeleted = 1 where PostId = 3
select * from Posts
Results are as follows