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Why does a margin appears when the div size is changed by translate3d?

When I change the div size, an indent appears between the blocks.

<div class="test2">test2

Help me how to remove it?

.container {
    perspective: 600px;
    transform-style: preserve-3d;
.test2 {
    /* more to fiddle */
    transform: rotateX(45deg);
    transform-origin: center top;
.test3 {
    /* more to fiddle */
    transform: translate3d(0,-34px,0) rotate3d(1,0,0,-45deg);
    transform-origin: center bottom;
<div class="container">
    <div class="test1">test1</div>
    <div class="test2">test2</div>
    <div class="test3">test3</div>

Without margin: enter image description here

With margin: enter image description here

P.S. I see CSS transform 3d cube offsets, but I think that's different problem.


  • what you have is not margin but a logical space added due to the transfomation you are using. You may notice that you added a translation to fix this issue at the first try.

    Imagine you have a closed window and when you open both sides you will be able to see space between both side which is logical as you applied a rotation to both sides :

    enter image description here

    So the rotation of your div will create the same effect :

    enter image description here

    So to fix it you can apply a translation like you did with the first one but you will notice that both side won't have the same width because both div doesn't have the same height and a rotation with same angle will make width different (this is perspective, a close object look bigger that a far one)

    enter image description here

    So to fix this you have to also add translation on the Z-axis to make the second div more closer and have this :

    enter image description here

    Full code :

        perspective: 600px;
        transform-style: preserve-3d;
        background-color: #fff;
        border: 1px solid #ccc;
        width: 50%;
        padding: 1em;
        margin: auto;
        background-color: #fff;
        border: 1px solid #ccc;
        position: relative;
        width: 50%;
        padding: 1em;
        margin: auto;
        transform: rotateX(45deg);
        transform-origin: center top;
        outline: 1px solid transparent;
        background-color: #fff;
        border: 1px solid #ccc;
        position: relative;
        width: 50%;
        padding: 1em;
        margin: auto;
        transform: translate3d(0,-57px,57px) rotate3d(1,0,0,-45deg);
        transform-origin: center bottom;
            <div class="container">
                <div class="test1">test1</div>
                <div class="test2">test2
                <div class="test3">test3</div>